FReNs iN KaKi JaLaN

Thursday, March 25, 2010

TiGeR BLoGFesT 2010 – Preliminary Instructions

Period : 19 – 23 April 2010 [Why ? Because 22 April is Earth Day]

What to do

Post at least one piece in your blog about the need to protect the tiger. You can plan and prepare ahead of time. Your first posting must be made on 19th April, preferably before 9.00 a.m.
You are encouraged to post additional articles during that week. But you can just stick to one post if you cannot spare the time. It would however be nice if everyone can post two pieces, one on the 19th April and the other towards end of that week.

What to write
Post anything that you are comfortable with as long as it carries a message about the need to protect our tigers. You can choose to write a story about the tiger, post a technical paper, compose a song or a poem, draw cartoons, etc. etc. Preferably in English or Bahasa Malaysia.


All participating blogs should carry (1) the Tiger Blogfest 2010 logo; and (2) a common message about protecting the tiger. Both these items will be provided to all participating bloggers.

List of participating blogs

The list of participating blogs will be displayed at several tiger and nature-related websites. We are targeting 100 blogs for this inaugural Tiger Blogfest. [we already have unofficial confirmations from 22 blogs]

Other activities

Still being considered :
Link to a petition, urging the Government to expedite the implementation of the National Tiger Action Plan
A talk on tiger conservation – all participating bloggers will be invited
Note : The final instructions will be emailed to all particpating blogs (i.e. those who register)

Interested ?

If you are interested in doing your bit to help protect our tiger and participate in this blogfest, please contact Planet of the Monyets at to register your blog. [and if you want help beyond just writing about the tiger, do let me know too... tiger conservation could do with plenty of help]

Kengkawan di KaKi JaLaN, jom join TiGeR BLoG FeST 2010!
Lagi sekali KaKi JaLaN nak mengaum....



Monyet King said...


masMZ KaKiJaLaN said...

Yezza Monyet King,